Concrete vs. Cement – Knowing the Difference

Many people don’t know the difference between concrete and cement or use the two terms interchangeably. There are several distinct differences between the two substances, however. Let’s take a look at a few of the differentiating factors that make the two materials unique. For starters, cement is actually an ingredient of concrete, meaning cement is… Read more »

Determining Factors in Cement Strength

Discrepancy and weak spots in concrete is mostly due to lacking uniformity in raw material. This could be thanks to different  supply source, thicker and thinner consistency being mixed from the same supply source and also even mixing cement from different areas in the same quarry.     Differences in details of the process of… Read more »

Stabilizing a Concrete Foundation no Cake Walk

There are a series of steps that must be taken to properly install and complete a concrete foundation. If steps are skipped or your foundation is not professionally poured, the structure will show signs of instability and start to crumble. The foundation is the most important component to a building’s stability. A properly poured concrete… Read more »