Do you run a business that could benefit from the addition of a spray or paint booth? If so, you should work with a company that specializes in providing industrial sheet metal services to ensure that your booth design and construction goes smoothly. When constructed properly, a spray or paint booth can help your employees… Read more »
Category: Steel Structures
Steel Stack Fabrication Makes Your Job Simpler
Steel stacks are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, including power plants, heating plants, chemical plants and paper mills. Whether you are building a new facility, expanding a facility, or upgrading an existing operation, steel stack fabrication makes your job simpler. R.G. Smith Company has worked with a variety of Ohio-area businesses to… Read more »
Thinking of Expanding? Now’s the Time to Start Planning
Expanding your business during the winter season can be tough, especially when it comes to literally expanding your building. Whether you’ve been thinking about adding on to your existing property or starting from scratch at another location, winter weather often brings construction projects to a halt or makes them take longer than they need to…. Read more »
Planning an Expansion? Let Us Help!

While it’s unfortunate to hear, your industrial building isn’t going to last forever. However, we’re not saying that you have to tear it down and start from scratch. Whether your company has expanded and outgrown your existing space or if you have an older building with areas that are in need or repair or updates,… Read more »
Arch Welding Trade High in Demand
Professional welding services yield the strongest construction for the money. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), or stick welding, is versatile and is relatively easily performed for field work and construction. Large housing or facilities requiring expansive space are better suited for the strength of steal I-beam construction, without the need for pillars and loadbearing obtrusions…. Read more »
The Intricacies of Manual Building Demolition
Manual building demolition is more than just slamming a wrecking ball into a building. There is a lot that must go into preparation before the building can be taken down. The extent of what must be done to a building before it can be razed depends on many factors. These include but are not limited… Read more »
The Decline in US Steel Output
Starting in the 1800’s, the industrial era changed the steel industry forever. Previously, steel was an expensive product to make and obtain as it was created in small quantities outside the country. But with industrial expansion in the US, manufacturers made steel production faster and more efficiently than ever. The United States became… Read more »
Sheet Metal Among Most Diverse Product of Our Day
Sheet metal is among the most versatile metal produced. It is important across so many industries for so many uses across the globe. Every single day of our lives, we are in close contact with a consumer product, wherein initial production was in a sheet metal factory. Sheet metal fabrication is an extensive… Read more »
US Steel Industry on the Global Stage
US steel production has left something to be desired over the past couple decades. Falling to the number three producer in the world- behind China and Japan- since the 1970’s, US steel factories across the country have been shuttered by the hundreds from Maine to California. And though it is tough competition, there are signs… Read more »
Impact And Evolution Of Steel Erection On Building
Last blog post we talked about the iconic structures that have used steel. The evolution has continued to grow and more and more utilize the strength of steel when erecting walls and buildings. Steel is a huge division for R.G. Smith Company. For our industrial projects, it has become a huge component of our conventional… Read more »